






A shortlist of political prisoners in China, which need urgent help
Prepared for Bundespräsident Herrn Joachim Gauck

LI, Bifeng (李必丰1965-)
The poet and campaigner for democracy, Li Bifeng, participated the Tiananmen student protest in 1989 and was sentence to 5 years. In 1998, Li wrote a report about the sit-in protest of a group of textile workers in Sichuan Province and passed the report to human rights organizations abroad, consequently he was accused of “economic crimes” and had to go to prison again for 7 years.
In November 2012, Li was sentenced to another twelve years, later changed to ten years. The authorities accused him falsely of helping his friend writer Liao Yiwu, to flee to Germany. Li will first be released in 2022.

Ilham Tohti (伊力哈木•土赫提) 1969-
Ilham Tohti was a Uyghur economy professor in Minzu University, now serving a life sentence in China, on separatism-related charges. He is known for his mild advocate for the autonomy in Xinjiang Province. Tohti was the host of Uyghur Online, a website that discusses Uyghur issues. He criticized the Chinese government’s migrant policy in minority regions. For his work in conciliating the ethnic conflicts, he was awarded the PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award (2014).

QIN, Yongmin (秦永敏), 1953)
Qin is a civil political commentator, human rights activist, one of the co-founders of the Democratic Party of China. In the last 43 years (from 1970 to 2012) he had been arrested, detained 39 times, sentenced into jail for 22 years, he is one of the longest political prisoners in jail during the last four decades.
Since January 9, 2015, Qin was taken away by Xingouqiao police station, Qingshan district of Wuhan city. Later, his wife Zhao Suli war disappeared too. Till today, no one knows their whereabouts.

GAO, Yu (高瑜), 1944-
Gao is a journalist. After Tiananmen incident, she was arrested and detained for 15 months. In the 90s she was imprisoned for 6 years because of “publishing state secrets”. Gao was a freelance for die DEUTSCHE WELLE. In 2014 she was again accused for “leaking state secrets” and sentenced to 7 years. In 2015 her sentence is reduced to 5 years and today she lives outside the prison because of medical parole.
Gao wishes to come to Germany for a visit and get medical treatment.

LIU, Xiaobo (刘晓波),1955- and LIU,Xia(刘霞)1961-
Liu Xiaobo is a literary critic, writer who called for political reforms. Liu is the Nobel Peace Prize winner of 2010. He is currently incarcerated as a political prisoner in Jinzhou, Liaoning.

Liu Xia is Liu Xiaobo’s wife, a poet and photographer. She lost her freedom and was kept under house arrest when her husband was announced of receiving the Nobel Peace Prize.
Today, Liu Xia has limited freedom. She can visit her family and some friends. Liu Xia wishes to visit Germany and get medical treatment.



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