Monday, June 20, 2022
7:30 PM 9:00 PM
Bohemian National Hall321 East 73rd Street
New York, NY, 10021United States (map)
“天安门石碑”是一个致力于改变中国的故事,它讲述中国作家和哲学家刘晓波(2010 年诺贝尔和平奖获得者),从再教育营获释到他努力寻找自我,在中国追求言论自由和民主宪政的抗争故事。在他寻求从个人失误中醒悟的历程中,他遇到了“天安门母亲”和想象中的 1989 年失落的灵魂的创始人丁子霖。虽然刘晓波开辟了一条非暴力抗争的道路,但他的妻子、诗人和艺术家刘霞最终领悟了,在中国进行非暴力抗争的后果和曲折性。
美国”天安门石碑“。剧作家:C. L. Cooper。导演:Ralph Pena。主演:Mia Katigbak(丁子霖)、Karen Tsen Lee(刘霞)、Glenn Morizio(警卫/学生)、David Shih(刘晓波)、Jo Yang(人偶)、Henry Yuk(蒋培坤) )。舞台指导:Jesse Jae Hoon。
该剧是在视觉艺术家协会的赞助下开发的,由Ann Lau和Peggy Howard Chane发起。
免费向公众开放。需要通过 Eventbrite 进行在线注册。场馆内需佩戴口罩。
2022 年真相戏剧节彩排,献给为独立而战的乌克兰人民。 真相戏剧建议每人捐款(10 美元)将用于支持乌克兰难民。所有筹集的资金将捐赠给People in Need,这是一个捷克非政府、非营利组织,在帮助世界各地的紧急情况下拥有超过 20 年的经验。
在线注册 RSVP
A story of commitment to change, Stones of Tiananmen follows Chinese writer and philosopher Liu Xiaobo (the 2010 Nobel Peace Laureate) upon his release from a re-education camp. He struggles to find his footing in pursuit of freedom of speech and democracy in China. As he seeks to recover from personal missteps, he is spurred by his encounters with Ding Zilin, founder of the ‘Mothers of Tiananmen’ and the imagined Lost Souls of 1989. While Liu Xiaobo charts a path of peaceful resistance, his wife, poet and artist Liu Xia, ultimately discovers the acuteness of the consequences.
Stones of Tiananmen, USA. Playwright: C. L. Cooper. Director: Ralph Pena. Cast: Mia Katigbak (as Ding Zilin), Karen Tsen Lee (as Liu Xia), Glenn Morizio (as Guard/Student), David Shih (as Liu Xiaobo), Jo Yang (as The Figure), Henry Yuk (as Jiang Peikun). Stage directions: Jesse Jae Hoon.
The play was developed under the auspices of the Visual Artists Guild, initiated by Ann Lau and Peggy Howard Chane.
Free and open to the public. Online registration through Eventbrite is required. Masks are required inside the venue.
The 2022 Rehearsal for Truth Theater Festival s is dedicated to the people of Ukraine fighting for their independence. 🇺🇦 Suggested donation ($10) will be used to support Ukrainian refugees. All collected funds will be donated to People in Need, a Czech non-governmental, non-profit organization with over 20 years of experience in helping people in emergencies all over the world.
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