PUB DATE: June 2023

ISBN: 9780231206341

568 pages

FORMAT: Hardcover

LIST PRICE: $34.95£30.00

PUB DATE: June 2023

ISBN: 9780231556446

568 pages

FORMAT: E-book

LIST PRICE: $33.99£28.00

Perry Link and Wu Dazhi

Columbia University Press

Late one night in December 2008, police arrived at the home of Liu Xiaobo—China’s leading dissident, a key figure in the prodemocracy manifesto Charter 08—and took him away. When Liu won the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize as a political prisoner, the award was bestowed on an empty chair. Inside China, the regime sought to erase every trace of his existence. Liu died of liver cancer in 2017 without ever having been allowed to return home.

I Have No Enemies is the definitive biography of Liu Xiaobo, offering a meticulously researched account of the twists and turns of a remarkable life. Perry Link and Wu Dazhi explore Liu’s upbringing, immersion in classical Chinese poetry and philosophy, bold challenges to literary conformity, and involvement in democratic movements. They trace the lifelong evolution of his thinking and chronicle his persecution, incarceration, and death.

I Have No Enemies emphasizes Liu’s principled commitment to dissent and the significance of the example he set in China and around the world. Liu was a farsighted strategist whose ultimate goal was “to change a regime by changing a society.” In Tiananmen Square, he showed others how to face down armed soldiers; in daily life, he looked for ways to build a more democratic culture. A powerful record of Liu’s life and times, this book also tells the story of a generation of Chinese intellectuals who sought a better way forward.
Perry Link is professor emeritus of East Asian studies at Princeton University and teaches at the University of California, Riverside. He has written widely on modern Chinese language, literature, popular culture, and political dissent.

Wu Dazhi is a longtime friend of Liu Xiaobo.

【Columbia University Press】2023.04.03

分类: English

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